Unit 9 - 10, Belton Lane Industrial Estate, Belton Lane, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 9HN
Tel: 01476 565 999Fax: 01476 565 990

Aspen 2 FRT pre-mixed 2-stroke alkylate petrol

Aspen 2 FRT is a pre-mixed alkylate petrol suitable for all air cooled 2-stroke engines, no matter what fuel oil mix. It is mixed with a synthetic high quality high performance 2-stroke oil for maximum protection and low smoke.

The result is:

  • a petrol that is virtually free from sulphur, benzene and aromatics (solvents)
  • is ethanol free
  • is chemically inert - can leave the fuel in machinery and will start easily next time
  • a low odour - you are breathing much cleaner air when working with your power tools
  • No need to use mixing bottles Aspen is pre-mixed to suit all ratios
  • Keeps fresh for 5 years

Aspen 4 alkylate 4-stroke petrol

Aspen 4 is the cleanest petrol that you can use. Aspen is made from alkylate petrol which is made from the gases from the top of the distillation tower which are synthetically modified into a liquid again.

The result is:

  • a petrol that is virtually free from sulphur, benzene and aromatics (solvents)
  • is ethanol free
  • is chemically inert - can leave the fuel in machinery and will start easily next time
  • a low odour - you are breathing much cleaner air when working with your power tools
  • Less fumes so workshops will not smell of petrol
  • Keeps fresh for 5 years

If you care about your health, your environment and your machinery - Aspen alkylate petrol is your only choice!

All new machinery purchased from LRS would have had a pre-delivery inspection using ASPEN Fuel

Aspen is available in-store only in 1Lt & 5 Lt Bottles



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